A Time for Everything by Mysti Parker | Recommended 4 Historical Romance Readers!

"A Time for Everything" by Mysti Parker

"3.5 out of 5 stars, Portia’s (Po) life was ravaged because of the American Civil War. With both her husband and baby daughter now dead and not wanting to suffer the ramifications of depression any longer, she has decided to move on by putting her credentials to use and becoming a tutor for a young boy. However, the boy’s father Beau (Beauregard) came home from fighting in the war to find his wife dead and his farm falling apart, and isn’t ready to move on with his life. Both start off on rocky footing but just as they soon find their way to common ground and get a nice friendship going people from Beau past interfere into his life. Everything changes. Will Beau be able to create a life that he’ll be happy with? Can Po find a way to get over her grief while helping the boy in her care get over his own grief too? When unexpected love hits will both Beau and Po, can they be able to accept it or will others interfere enough to mess up both of their lives for good?

Not the lighthearted historical romance that I expected; yet it grips the reader with its dynamic characters and an intriguing plot from the very beginning. Basically, it was darker than I anticipated but it’s based in a more realistic setting then the typical historical romances that I’ve read before for this time-period. Nevertheless, I’m so happy with how this novel turns out..."

Read more of this review and TWO TEASERS here: http://frommetoyouvideophoto.blogspot.com/2015/07/made-grade-time-for-everything-by-mysti.html

Read an excerpt from this novel here: http://frommetoyouvideophoto.blogspot.com/2015/07/blog-tour-time-for-everything-by-mysti.html

Purchase This Book Here : Kobo (e-Book) : A Time for Everything

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