Beyond All Dreams by Elizabeth Camden | Recommended 4 Historical Romance Readers!

"3 out of 5 stars! A young up-and-coming Congressman from Maine and a female Library of Congress map librarian's path cross. One dreams of things being peaceful everywhere and hopes to be the one to make it happen. The other hopes to uncover what truly happened to her father after finding a false report. Together they should be able to get through anything but will they be able to trust each other enough to see their dreams through to the end?

This novel is for Ancestry and Historical Romance lovers! Because it follows historical events really well, while throwing enough flirtation between Luke & Anna in the mix to keep you intrigued. In addition, because of Anna being a map librarian she is determined to get to the truth of everything no matter the consequences because she feels that the documents in the Library of Congress should be completely accurate as possible since you never know how future generations will look at that document and do with it later. Since Anna feels that way it made me really like her as a character, as I've been a genealogist for my family since 1999 and I completely understand where she was coming from. To top off my love for the characters I find out that Luke is a Congressman from Maine and I'm originally from Maine so yeah I found that pretty cool too."

Read more of my review and THREE teasers here:

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